Dorothea’s brain tip scale
Dorothea, our kind workshop secretary, does occasionally spill drinks on her table.
One day, after a particularly soppy spill (she had not yet taken a single sip), Dorothea invented a Brain Tip Scale for herself, to measure how she feels before using a brain tip, and how she feels after using a brain tip. It is a clever idea to know how you feel before and after, so you know whether something is helping.
After a spill, Dorothea often feels about 6 or 7 on her scale. The good part about being a frequent spiller is she knows just what to do! She does not run for a towel to mop things up. She sniffs slowly and deeply a single fragrant rose. She uses her senses to soothe herself. (senses-soothe)
The prize rose (from her grandmother’s garden) puts her usual good cheer right back in place!
Then, she looks at her scale, to measure how far she has traveled in just a few moments of savoring that glorious scent. She is a 2.
The small elf Theo has just walked in on the mess. Theo is a 10 because he has not yet used any brain tips.
Footnote: Minnie and I asked Dorothea if we could share the scale! If you print out the scale, you can ask yourself how you feel before and after using a brain tip. Then you will discover which tips help you the most.