Drawing Tips | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

Tips on: surprise me!

Seeing and simplifying

Elves draw animals as we would draw anything else:  by seeing and simplifying. Seeing means we


Drawing Christmas trees

When I first began to draw, I always had difficulties drawing a Christmas tree because of


It doesn’t look like I imagined

I see something beautiful in my head, something so perfect, and yet what I actually draw


Symmetry between worlds

We created artwork for a Writing tip (Looking-Into-A-New-Year) and artwork can, of course, tell more than


Christmas Eve in Scrooge’s Counting-house

At length the hour of shutting up the counting-house arrived. With an ill-will Scrooge dismounted from

The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories