Good enough
Elves and humans participate in many activities in a single day, and elves have a way of doing things, at times, so that energy is conserved for what is most important! We do certain things in a Good Enough way.
In our morning lesson on working with modeling clay, the likeness does not have to be perfect.
When we iron our garments, we really don’t have to press out every last wrinkle!
When we sweep up, we do not have to chase after every speck of dust! If we gather up most of them, that is Good Enough.
By doing some activities and tasks in a Good Enough way, we are able to excel when we need to—for example when we are working on mathematics. Mathematics is hard to do well if the calculations are not just right.
As we look ahead to each day, elves consider which things can be done “Good Enough,” and which things we would like to do just right.
Give Good Enough a try! It is such a splendid tip for the comfort of our brains!